Saturday, 20 June 2015

Boredom #2

I haven't yet figured out how, one day, I can look at a piece of writing I've worked on a thousand times before and be so bored, I nearly fall off my chair.  Yet, the next day, I can work on the very same piece of writing again, and be thoroughly engaged in it.

If I figure out the difference between the two, I'll let you know.

I hate wasting a good writing session because I'm bored out of my tree, yet it seems to be unavoidable.

If you have any ideas–beyond getting up, doing a few stretches, or even going for a short walk in the fresh air–on how to solve this problem, please let me and my readers know.


  1. I have yet to discover the secret, Rick. Maybe a nap? Clean your keyboard with a Q-tip? Play a round of Candy Crush? Or two. Or three. Honestly, there are days I just walk away. Anything I write when I'm in that state of boredom isn't worth reading anyway. Have fun with it!

    1. Wendy, it's just a relief to know someone else goes through the same thing.

      Sometimes, I can work through the boredom. Sometimes, I emerge from the daze, fired up again, and end my writing session feeling like I accomplished something.

      Other times, despite my best efforts, I can't overcome it. I want to be anywhere but where I am. It's useless.

      The frustration is, I know I only have so much time during the day to work on my writing. Do I keep trying, or do I give up? I hate to give up, but how long do I keep putting myself through it without getting anywhere?

      Anyway, I really appreciate your comment. Thank you.
