And then, after a streak of shitty writing days, you get one like today, leaving you on what can only be described as a high.
Even as Chris and I had dinner this evening, he knew something was different about me. I was more chirpy. I bounced around a bit more. My chatter was elevated and animated. Yes, it was. And I deserved all the good feelings.
When you receive a writing day like today's, you have to ask yourself, what was different today from all the recent shitty ones? And what can I do to replicate it, so that number of my great writing days exceed the number of my shitty writing days (because who likes shitty writing days?).
Was it my new attitude to take my writing more seriously (even though I thought I did that already)? Did I just happen to be at a better place in the rewrites of my novel, which allowed me to feel focused and energized and excited? Or was it the location–Starbucks–and the Grande Mocha Frappuccino non-fat no-whip?
Whatever it was, yes, please, I'll take more of them.
It's days like these that I really LOVE being a writer. They are few and far between.
I'll savor it while I can.
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