Monday, 3 August 2015

Early August Update

So, from time to time, I'd like to give you an update on where I am in the process of completing my novel.  Here goes:

A few weeks ago, I achieved a milestone.  My first beta reader, Jeanette, and I reviewed Chapter Eighteen.  Over the past two-plus years, we've met from time to time to review in detail each chapter I've written to this point.  We have a few more to go, but we're getting there.

My second beta reader, RG, and I have reviewed Chapter One several times.  A few weeks ago, I sent him Chapters Two to Five.  He wanted to read ahead and see how the characters and story develop.  Chapter Two is ready for a detailed read, but Chapters Three to Five still need more revision to measure up to the new Chapter One.  Work is ongoing here.

Here's where things get a little complicated.  I'll review this chapter-by-chapter for you:

Chapter Nineteen:  A few more rounds of revision are still needed here, but Jeanette and I should be able to review it soon.

Chapter Twenty:  Same as above.

Chapter Twenty-One:  Same as above.

Chapter Twenty-Two:  Recently, I completed a thorough rewrite of this chapter.  The first draft was awful and needed to be brought up to the level of what came before.  That's now done, and many more rounds of edits are needed before it's ready for Jeanette's eyes.

Chapter Twenty-Three:  Last week, I began work on a full rewrite of the three scenes in this chapter.  Some sections will need thorough rewrites, and others won't.  Then I'll have many rounds of edits to complete.

Chapter Twenty-Four:  Only a few rounds of rewrites should be needed here before Jeanette can see it.

Chapter Twenty-Five:  This chapter is nearly ready for Jeanette. 

Chapter Twenty-Six:  I just completed a thorough rewrite on this chapter.  A lot more work is still needed before I can pass it on to a beta reader. 

Chapter Twenty-Seven:  I just finished a thorough rewrite.  Many rounds of edits are needed here.

Chapter Twenty-Eight:  I still have to complete a thorough rewrite on this.

Chapter Twenty-Nine:  More work is needed on a thorough rewrite.

Chapter Thirty:  I haven't started the thorough rewrite on this chapter yet.  But I've looked ahead at the first draft, made a lot of notes, and I'm letting my subconscious work on what I want to do with it, while I work in other areas.

Chapter Thirty-One:  Not much worked is needed here.  I completed most of the rewrites on this chapter some time ago, and, when I chronologically get to the point where Jeanette and I can discuss it, it should be mostly ready.

Chapter Thirty-Two:  Same as above (I finished working on the closing chapters some time ago, so I had a point for all the other chapters to lead to).

As you can see, I have multiple projects going on at the same time.  If I'm bored with anyone area, I can easily turn to another.  I recommend this process.  You'll be less likely to grow tired working on the same thing all the time.  Plus, I'm at different places in each chapter, so I'm always fired up to work on different things at different times.

It should also be noted that, as I continue to send chapters to RG, more work will be needed to bring some, particularly earlier ones, up to that standard I talked about earlier in relation to Chapter One.  But, around Chapter Eight or so, less structural work should be needed, and I should be able to focus on the details.

And that's about it.

Happy writing.

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